
Naila has successfully ascended Broad Pea8,047 metres.


Naila has successfully ascended Broad Pea8,047 metres.

She has now successfully ascended Pakistan's fifth and final 8,000-meter peak, today on July 20, 2023, at 2:48am local time.

She is also the first Pakistani woman to ascend Broad Peak, complete the climb of all five 8,000-meter peaks in Pakistan, and scale eight 8,000-meter peaks worldwide.

She has conquered eight peaks, including Everest, K2, Lhotse, Annapurna, Gasherbrum I, Gasherbrum II, Nanga Parbat, and now Broad Peak. the world's twelve-highest peak above sea level.

Please pray for Naila's safe return from her incredible mountaineering adventure.

Karrar Haidri


#ImagineNepal #MountainPhotography #AdventureTravel #Mountaineering #PeakExperience #Pakista #Nepal




